Sunday, January 13, 2008

False Belief & True Belief about Forgiveness

Rediscovering who I am in Christ has been freeing & painful. God has been reminding me of His truths & opening my mind to new truths. Through this process many of my own weaknesses and hardened areas of my own heart have been exposed. I understand that He must prepare the soil of my heart to receive His seeds of truth and part of that preparation is the blade of the plow must cut deep and loosen the hardened parts of the soil. The seeds of truth need freshly plowed soil that has been cleared of debris that won't hinder the growth of the seeds.
About a week ago one of the freeing things I came across was regarding True and False beliefs about forgiveness. I thought I'd share it.

False Belief #1:
If I forgive them, they will go free. There will be no justice.
True Belief #1:
Only God knows what is just. Punishment is in God's hands.

False Belief #2:
Forgiveness means I must pretend that nothing ever happened.
True Belief #2
Forgiveness is not denial. Tell the truth; don't minimize it in order to forgive.

False Belief #3:
If I forgive, I will become vulnerable to them again.
True Belief #3:
Forgiving someone doesn't mean that they are safe and you must trust them again.

False Belief #4:
My unforgiveness is justified because I'm right, and they will never see their wrong and repent if I let go.
True Belief #4:
My unforgiveness only hurts me and allows what they did to control my life.

Quote taken from "The Genesis Process" by Michael Dye & Patricia Fancher


Andrea said...

WOW... can I borrow that book when you're done??!?!?

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda...found your blog today, it's good to read snipets of the goings on in your lives.

This post reminds me of an observation made recently at Bible study by Mr. Walker. He said, "Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."

Keep up the Good Fight!