Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday 2:06 am in the Hood

I hear yelling....I get out of bed and look out my window.....two police cars immediately pull up and four policemen quickly enter a house across the street. I see them all reach to their sides and unlatch what looks like their weapons in their holsters. As I watch another police car comes but goes into the alley. In a couple of minutes I now count five police cars parked on the street. It isn't long and the police emerge from the home with a person who has been hand cuffed. In a minute all the cars pull away together. The street looks empty and dark again.
Again the preacher's words echo in my thoughts "Can you hear the cries for help? They are all around us!" Indeed! Please pray that the Lord would bring healing and peace to this place. Thank Him with me for His protection.

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