Sunday, June 22, 2008

Stepping out in faith...

Well, here we are, house virtually sold, notice given at work, and deposit on a home in a new city and really we are 95% of the way to things being finalized but for that 5% that will happen in the next three days it kind of seems odd that we are all but packing to go already!
That peace that surpasses all understanding that I'm a child of God's and that I'm in His will is what moves me forward. Today, we brought one of Harley's co-workers to church. He isn't a believer and says so quite readily but still he came. There I sat beside him and listened to Harley preach a message about living out our faith every day and being ready to give an account for the hope that is in us. I'm thinking to myself, wow, there is no way this co-worker could sit through this if Harley wasn't practicing what he was preaching. I'm so blessed to have a husband that tries to practice what he preaches. We enjoyed the company of this co-worker for the rest of the day and saw the rest of our church greet him and witness to him in the time that they spent with him. The planters were out today and planted and the waterers watered and we are trusting the Lord to do the growing. Praise God for His faithfulness and His living testimony. So much work to be done and what a privilege to be enlisted in His work. I pray that I don't ever take that privilege to be involved in His work for granted and waste it in my lifetime here.

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