Tuesday, August 25, 2015

My options...

For the first time in a few weeks I'm feeling like I'm coming out of a fog. There has been so much to walk through and process. My first visit to the cancer clinic was made much easier due to the care and coaching of a couple who have just gone through the process of dealing with lymphoma. Their timely advice on so many levels helped to make my first appointment waaaaay less complicated. I'm so thankful to the Lord for the many people He has been using to love, guide and support us through this. So with what we know so far, according to my oncologist, I have two choices. According to him it isn't a matter of if I should do chemo it is a matter of when. If I do it now I will most certainly decrease my quality of life and risk damaging perfectly healthy body organs etc. or I can choose to wait until the cancer has spread and is damaging organs and then start chemo. So considering my present health chemo would hurt my body more than the cancer is right now so waiting until the cancer is doing more damage would make sense before doing chemo which in and of itself will do its own damage either way. My oncologist said the life expectancy of both scenarios is the same. I am not going to start the chemo right now. I am waiting on the Lord for wisdom and direction and trusting Him to show me how to make changes that will have a positive impact on my health right now. I know there are many, many alternative treatments available other than chemo and we are investigating and weighing out our options. I'm receiving much peace and see that the Lord is directing in many ways already. I have other tests to go through to see if the cancer has spread to other areas but I'm really thankful for the good health I'm experiencing thus far. There truly is so much to be thankful for and I am including a thankfulness even for the cancer as it has been used to draw me to the Lord and experience sweeter fellowship with Him through His spirit, His word & His church as well as opportunities to share the gospel with others. Andrea gave me this verse on the day I went to the cancer center "1 Peter 1:13 Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. That is one of the ways you can pray. That no matter what this journey holds that my hope be FULLY on the grace that will be brought to me at the revelation of Jesus Christ. I don't want to get side tracked and have my hope in this life to rest in any diet, cure, healing, doctor etc... I want my mind to be sober and ready for action; sharing the gospel... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXOWyjB7d24

1 comment:

Mission Musings said...

My heart is heavy for you, but when we are in a no-win situation, it is God's Grace and Mercy that shines through us, strengthening us for days ahead, and working miracles that we don't dare to dream.

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..." -Ephesians 3:20