Friday, February 8, 2008

Knowledge about Jesus is essential but having it alone does not equal salvation.

It seems the acceptance today is to equate knowing about Jesus as really knowing Him and having a true relationship with Him. We seem to be satisfied that if someone claims to know who Jesus is and what He is all about then they are a believer and we readily make the claim that surely this evidence of knowledge qualifies a person to be a true follower of Christ and a child of the King; a born again Christian. We think if they have this knowledge about Jesus and the person declares what they know about Jesus then surely they are a follower etc....etc....
Of course only Jesus knows who are true believers and followers and He will reveal this at the appointed time. It isn't up to us and actually we are forbidden to make this kind of judgment on someone. What has got my mind processing this is just how quick a person can be classified as a follower of Jesus by their knowledge of Him. Is this knowledge a true sign of a relationship? Check out the knowledge that demons had of who Jesus was in Matthew 8:28-34. They knew who He was, what He was capable of and they even made an inquiry of His intent and they made a request of Him. I think we can all agree that this didn't classify them as true followers of Christ, believers yes, obviously the demons believed that Jesus was who He said He was and capable of what He said He was but they weren't followers sharing in the Kingdom of heaven. This passage puts things in perspective for me; knowledge is esential but having it alone does not equal salvation.