Saturday, September 12, 2015

Time to walk the chemo path...

So, here it is Sept 12. I can't believe how this past month has flown by since getting my "official" diagnosis. As I look back at the way information has come to light I can see, without a doubt, how the Lord has been guiding every step of the way. Even before being diagnosed there were two woman and one man with lymphoma that had crossed my path in some way. Their journeys were much the same...they were in the midst of walking along the "chemo path" or they were finished and flourishing on the other side of it. Again, this was before I was officially diagnosed and when I listened to their stories I knew that many of their symptoms were matching mine and I remember thanking the Lord many times for the way He was preparing my mind and heart for the diagnosis to come. Since the diagnosis of lymphoma there have been even more stories and it has sure helped in making the decision to not wait to do chemo. Next week is my bone marrow biopsy which will be used by the oncologist to match my chemo treatment to. My chemo will start within a week following the biopsy. (as I write "my chemo" it still seems so odd) There have been opportunities for me to share the Gospel and I'd ask that you join me in praying that the Lord would continue to open doors and give me boldness to give an account for the hope that is within me. Please pray for Harley, Andrea, Joey and our grandchildren as we journey through this as a family. That I would not get distracted by the cancer and the procedures ahead but that I would have confidence that the Lord will accomplish His purpose in using the chemo in my body. This week, Harley read in Joshua and over and over again the exhortation to be "strong and courageous" rang out. Oh, that the Lord would grant me the ability to be strong and courageous to share the gospel and to keep my focus on the things that are eternal as I go through this "light and momentary" affliction. ~ Rhonda 1 Peter 5:6-7


Susan said...

Yes it is! ("a light and momentary affliction"). Thanks for living your faith out loud! With love and prayers, Susan D.

Mission Musings said...

I am praying for you all every day. I love you with all my heart, and am thankful that "God is your refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Ps 46:1)

Unknown said...

Prayer = Power. I am praying.

Karen Lucille Gross said...

These "light and momentary afflictions" don't really feel light or momentary as we are going through them, do they? You have been in my thoughts and prayers since you announced your diagnosis on facebook.

His Workmanship said...

Thank you ladies. You are all such a blessing. (((hugs)))