Thursday, September 29, 2011 Woke Me Up!

For years now, as a Christian, I have willingly kept myself in the dark about the full truth of abortion. When asked I have openly said I am against it but as far as going out of my way to point people to the truth of it I have not been a voice. After watching my silence and passive approach to this battle has come to an end. For years I have kept myself from knowing too much about it. I didn't want to look at images thus keeping myself primarily in ignorance at the atrocity of the brutal murdering that is going on in my own country, city, neighborhood and yes church! By not looking at the truth I have only been trying to protect myself from that uncomfortable confrontation with someone who thinks it is a woman's right to kill another human being just because she feels like it or because she is now inconvenienced by the human life within her body. So I finally stopped running away from reality and decided to face it head on. I did some research and began to check things out.
After watching I looked up statistics that shocked me. I knew abortion was happening but not at the rate it is or at least was last reported. See for yourself.

Then I went to YouTube and made myself watch images of the aftermath of what is left to discard after an abortion of a baby. I was sobbing at the images and I am ashamed of myself for being ignorant of the facts. Go here to view it for yourself. I MUST WARN YOU IT IS GRAPHIC BUT THESE ARE TRUE IMAGES THAT REFLECT THE ACT OF ABORTION. Watch it and wake up & speak up. Cry for these little ones and the millions of others that go unnoticed because they are labeled "not a living human being in the womb" and discarded as medical waste. I challenge you to watch this video, look into these little faces and try and tell yourself they were not living humans in the womb before they were murdered! Eliminated like some unwanted wart or growth that needed to be "taken care of" for the convenience of others.

And then I also read accounts of abortion survivors. Take time to read about those that survived the murder attempt on their lives while in the womb.

The Bible says that the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked; who can know it? It also says that apart from Christ we can do nothing. Abortion is one of many acts that result from deceitful and wicked hearts. Long ago, out of pure love for me, the Lord mercifully showed me that I was not a "good" person. Are you? Take the "Good Person Test" that I have provided a link to on this blog. Or, watch the "What Standard" video via the link I have provided. What standard do you think God will judge you by? Do you even know what His standards are? Watch, listen & wake up to His truth.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ministry Should Flow Out Of Intimacy With God

This morning I have been reminded that ministry should flow out of intimacy with God and not the other way around. I can recall specific times through out my life and especially this past year where I have tried to do ministry hoping to attain intimacy with God and I've been deeply disappointed when I came up short.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss shared the ten things she has learned in and about ministry over the last ten years. This helped me to reflect on my own life over the last ten years and this led to repentance in my heart as God showed me the error of my ways & attitudes.
I blog as a way to help remind me of things the Lord has used or done in my heart over time. I want to revisit Nancy's program from Sept 12, 2011 about the ten things she has learned about ministry. Check out if you'd like to hear what Nancy has to say.