Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Honesty: Silence Is Not Always Golden

Seeking God for personal revival requires a level of honesty that, at first, may seem quite threatening. Covering up our faults and failures is an involuntary reflex. At first glance, it often seems like the best option. We want others to think the best of us. However, humility-one of the first prerequisites for revival-requires the willingness to be honest with God and others about our true spiritual condition.
Quoted from: Seeking Him - - Experiencing The Joy Of Personal Revival, Nancy Leigh DeMoss & Tim Grissom with Life Action Ministries - pg. 41

We are to set aside falsehood and speak truth in love. It is a vulnerable place to be when we admit our true sin and our true spiritual condition before God and man. The cost of pretending to be something we are not is devastating. Denying sin hinders fellowship with God and cripples our relationships.
This is what I am learning these days and I'm so grateful for God's unfailing love and faithfulness to His Word.
"Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy." Proverbs 28:13

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