Saturday, August 29, 2009

When A Book Connects...

I'm not much of an avid reader so when I do choose to read I'm careful about what I spend my time reading. Non fictional books are my choice and so I am finishing a book right now that has challenged me to the core as a woman. It has helped to explain behavior patterns I've seen in myself and observed in other women. Now the challenge is what to do with this knowledge and new understanding? Where it applies to things that need to change about myself I must not forget what I've been shown; that would be foolish. I must pray that God will change me and rely on His power to do so. In regard to dealing with other women; well only time will tell how helpful this knowledge will be but if it helps me in future relationships even a fraction of how the book has helped to shed light on past relationships then I'm very encouraged indeed. Quite the book to pick up for a summer read.

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