Sunday, March 30, 2008

Once Again I'm Reminded How True This Is:

True and False beliefs about forgiveness.

False Belief #1:
If I forgive them, they will go free. There will be no justice.
True Belief #1:
Only God knows what is just. Punishment is in God's hands.

False Belief #2:
Forgiveness means I must pretend that nothing ever happened.
True Belief #2
Forgiveness is not denial. Tell the truth; don't minimize it in order to forgive.

False Belief #3:
If I forgive, I will become vulnerable to them again.
True Belief #3:
Forgiving someone doesn't mean that they are safe and you must trust them again.

False Belief #4:
My unforgiveness is justified because I'm right, and they will never see their wrong and repent if I let go.
True Belief #4:
My unforgiveness only hurts me and allows what they did to control my life.

Quote taken from "The Genesis Process" by Michael Dye & Patricia Fancher

1 comment:

Mission Musings said...

I read a great quote on Jenn's page a day calendar today:

"Forgiveness is underrated. Quite basically, unless we can forgive, we can never really move on.

"There is always room for more forgiveness in our lives."