Friday, November 16, 2012

Nothing new really just wanting to say that sometimes speaking the truth because you love and trust the Author of Truth and you love the people you are speaking it to is really hard. I don't want to stand before You Lord and be ashamed that I kept my mouth shut when I knew Your truth and didn't share it. You said not to be surprised if the world hates me because it first hated You and You said You are the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father but by You. You said if anyone is ashamed of Your Words that You'd be ashamed of them before the Father. I am not ashamed of Your words. I want to speak Your truth and if I am seen as judging just because I share Your words or try to point people to You be it. The jesus they want is the one they have created to suit them remaining in their sin. Their jesus never points them to their sin he just extends grace and lets them live in it. This is not how You have revealed Yourself in Your Word. Pointing people's sin out was a part of the grace and mercy that You showed in offering salvation and forgiveness. Really, it is Your love that keeps me coming back to these people and trying again. My flesh would have had me walking away years ago. Thank you that You have kept a love for them burning in my heart. Help me to love as You loved; in Your truth without compromise. Teach me Your ways that I may walk in them. Give ears to hear and hearts to understand. Please Lord!